Landlord: is the development and maintenance of a web-portal more costly than you anticipated?

Developing a web presence is usually just the start of an additional, ongoing, operating expense for property managers and owners.

Once your web portal goes live, then here comes the ongoing IT tech-support service expenses. You need patches, updates, bug fixes and what once work flawlessly doesn’t work anymore. is your full-service marketing and tenant acquisition service platform. Posting your vacancies is a zip, all from a mobile phone: including a fully-integrated virtual-video tool all in one dynamic posting form. Using your mobile device, simply enter the apartment features: rent, annual income, credit score requirement, description, shoot the walk-thru video and then post. That’s it! will then route fully pre-screened, pre-qualified applicants to you and yes: all your fixes, patches, updates and bugs are a think of the pass. Our platform is 100% transactional so only pay a transaction fee when you sign a lease.

Post your vacancies today!